Thursday, December 4, 2008

Price tag...

During the recent Mumbai attack when investigation was done on route followed by the terrorists, a fact was brought into being that the terrorists followed sea route to enter into Indian Territory. When i ponder over the reasons to do this only one thing come into my mind- cost cutting. for any other route they may had to shell out extra expenses not only on ticket but for bribing the positioned .It may sound as derogatory to many but even i m not aiming at satirical comic when i make this statement.
Bribe, an integral part of our system if remains like the way it being going on can soon become a part of our culture. In fact if there is something uniform throughout the country than its bribe. There may be variation in food, language, rituals but what really unites us is our bribe culture. Depending upon the region and situation it got variant names to suit the local needs but the end outcome remains the same.....fulfillment. The payer is full heart for the work getting done and the receiver is filled. There are definitely some emotions attached whenever this term makes a visit in our life. Every time we are at disposal because of bribe we call it as corruption with some angry expressions but if it is at the helping end than definitely its is termed as motivation or sweetener or enticement with broad smile on our face.
i was first introduced to bribe 3 years back on independence day and definitely i wont mention the place coz I’m no mood to meet him again if someone finds this offensive and tries to pull me somewhere. Even on that day i was in no mood to get introduced to him. Friends had gave me an initial warning about that but i did had any damm i idea that it will happen on the day when whole of India was celebrating its independence. i suppose that it might had got introduced to countrymen same day for what reason the day is celebrated. After my first encounter, it made its presence on many occasion at different locations with different names and forms. Sometimes i even advised my friends who were in some kind of need to have a meet fixed with it.

Recent rounds of mails which are making rounds now a days are holding the netas and politicians responsible for the whole chaos and rampant corruption. But even we are equally responsible for fueling this machine by encouraging this kind enticement for Price tag which is sure gonna cost us dearly.....

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